View and Open a Discount Template

  1. Click Discount Templates.

  2. On the Discount Templates screen, locate the discount template that you want to view. [Show image.][Hide image.]

To sort the table from smallest to largest or A to Z based on a column, click the column header. Click the header a second time to reverse the sort.

The table lists the total number of templates and has the following columns:

Column Name Description
ID The unique identification number for the discount template.
Name The name you entered for the discount template to help distinguish it from your other templates.
Type (Normal or Subscription) The discount template type.

The list of restaurants that are using this template.

Select the arrow to open a window listing the number, name, and street address for each restaurant.

Last Modified The date this discount template was last modified.
Last Modified By The name of the person who last modified this discount template.
Click to copy the discount template.

Click to delete the discount template.

If the template is in use, an error window appears listing the restaurants that the discount template is assigned to. You must assign a different discount template to those restaurants before you can delete the selected template.

To open a discount template and view details about its promotions, click the link for ID, Name, Last Modified, or Last Modified By.