Functions of Templates and Profiles
Menu Manager 2.0 created menu templates, discount templates, and tax profiles for all existing Menu Manager and SubEx users from the old system’s database.
Use Menu Manager to edit and publish the menu template, discount template, and tax profile to your restaurant. You must complete all parts before you can publish them to a restaurant; however, the order in which you complete them does not matter.
Menu template – a master list of all the products that are available in your restaurant, including inventory locations as well as any changes from the standard recommended prices
Discount template – a selection of the available coupons and promotions you want to offer at your restaurant
Tax profile – all tax rates, exceptions, and other tax settings that are used in your restaurant
Templates and profiles are removed from the system if they are not used for 60 days. This means that any template or profile that is not assigned to a restaurant on Publishing Control and has not been edited for 60 days is removed from the system.
You can use templates and profiles in any combination that is appropriate for your business needs, and you can change which ones you use whenever you want. The built-in intelligence in Menu Manager validates that all your templates and profiles appropriately support the others, and prevents publishing if they do not.