Define Exceptions

Exceptions enable you to define a rule more specific than the tax rules that you entered. Use the Configure Tax Exceptions screen to define the conditions under which the tax collected for an order varies from the default sales tax rate, such as hot sandwiches and sides ordered for take-out consumption, cold sandwich platters ordered through the Catering program, and so on.

  1. On the Tax Profiles screen, select the tax profile where you need to add exceptions.

  2. On the Adding Tax Profile screen, click Exceptions.

    The Configure Tax Exceptions screen opens.

  3. Click Add New.

  4. Enter a name in Exception Name.

    Make the name easy to understand, especially if you have to define many exceptions.

  5. Use Select a Condition to identify the exception.

    If you need to determine which condition to select for your exception, click Help next to Select a Condition. A screen opens with a list of all conditions with descriptions and examples.

  6. Select the Tax/Fee to which the exception applies from the Rate/Fee list.

    The Rate/Fee list is populated by the impositions (Tax/Fee) you created when you set up your tax profile.

  7. Select the Consumption Method.

    This field lets you specify whether the exception applies to all sales (All), only eat-in orders (Immediate Consumption), or only take-out orders (Not Immediate Consumption).

  8. In the Tax Category list, select the appropriate categories.

  9. Some fields appear based upon the selection you made from the Select a Condition list.

    • Select the Dependent Tax Category.

      This field appears when a dependent tax category needs to be selected.

    • Select the Modifier.

      This field appears when the condition contains the word “modifier.”

    • Select the Qualifier.

      This field qualifies the quantity or amount (for example, greater than, at least, or equal to) referenced in Select a Condition. Enter the quantity of the qualifier in the corresponding field (for example, 1).

  10. Select the Rate TypeAmount, Percent, or Table.

    This defines the rate to apply when the conditions of the exception are met.

  11. Enter the value or select the table for the rate type in the appropriate field.

  12. Click Save.

    The Configure Tax Exceptions screen lists the exception.

  13. Repeat these steps as needed for each exception you need to create.

  14. Once you have entered all tax exceptions, click Save & Exit.