Create a Tax Table
A tax table lets you include a set of successive tax brackets that define progressively higher tax rates for progressively higher sale amounts, starting at 0.
If you are not familiar with your tax laws, consult your tax professional, OTL, or BD before proceeding with this setup.
Click Tax Profiles.
Select the tax profile where you need to create a table.
In the Adding Tax Profile screen, select Table for the Rate Type.
Click Add/Edit Table.
The Tax Table Definition screen opens.
To create a new table, click Add New.
Enter a name for your table in Tax Table Name.
This should be a name that makes sense to you and that clearly distinguishes this tax table from any others you create.
In the Brackets section, set up your tax table.
Use the + sign to add all the rows needed to match the tax table from your tax authority.
You must define at least two rows.
Make sure to enter information for the From Amount, the To Amount, and the Value so that each row matches a row exactly as it is in the tax table from your tax authority.
The value in the From Amount column in Row 1 needs to be 0.00.
You cannot leave gaps between rows. Every possible amount must be accounted for by the table.
Select the radio button in the row to be the Repeat row.
You must select a row to be the repeat row, and you cannot select the last row.
Click Save.
The table you created can now be selected from the Tax Table list.
Once you have defined tax tables, they can be selected and used as you set up your tax rates (see Define Tax Rates).